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RE: bayonettes are too a useful device

From: John Skelly <canjns@c...>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 13:52:40 -0400
Subject: RE: bayonettes are too a useful device

	To make this GZG related, I'd pose the question of whether (by
	any new international conventions on weapons and warfare had
	instituted (either by the UN, or through the UN with common 
	agreement) - perhaps a renewed or reformed Geneva Accord or some

	treaties banning certain weapons etc? Opinions?


It seems like, the way things are going, more and more weapons are going
to be banned.  I personally feel that this is a load of crap.  If there
is a future full scale war, I hope not, anything will go.  Look at
previous wars, look at your self.  If someone over a hill is trying
their best to kill me and my family, I'll do anything to stop him.

I know I'm on a soapbox but all this banning is so that people will
think that war can be sterilized or made less than terrible.  They can
ban whatever they want but if a war breaks out and one of the parties
involved needs something, they'll make it.  War is an insane act not a
gentlemen's sport.

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