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Re: Wire Obstacles

From: NVDoyle <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 22:14:47 EDT
Subject: Re: Wire Obstacles

In a message dated 98-05-07 18:35:00 EDT, you write:

<< > Wire may be old hat, super strength mono-molecular fibre, which is
 > invisible and cuts through steel, a very nasty obstacle. >>

>Not a problem, gravity pulls it down to the center of the planet.

[peals and peals of hyena-like laughter]

"Sir, the wire's finally been laid and - hell, not again!  Smebody pick
Griff's limbs and get some real concertina over here!"

Noah V. Doyle

I don't know why but that struck me as really funny.  Sick, da?

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