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Re: Scatter-thingies vs. missles

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 15:28:28 -0700
Subject: Re: Scatter-thingies vs. missles

John Atkinson wrote:
> You wrote:
> >	Scatterpack is an anti-ship weapon, and while the missile is
> >mass 2 it is not a ship.
> Umm. . . I meant the Kra'Vak anti-fighter weapon.  If I hadn't just
> home from work I'd have the energy to go and look up the correct name.
> How do I resolve vs. missle?
> John M. Atkinson

     The Scattergun does 1-6 points of damage, the missile has but 
one point.   missile is dead, 2 to 6 times over!   (The good news
is that he has one less scattergun, and he does not have that many.)

Byr for now,
John L.

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