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RE: Kra'Vak, inclinations of

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 15:00:55 -0500
Subject: RE: Kra'Vak, inclinations of

John spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> I dunno.  I'm sick of the media-based SF trend.  Either aliens are 
> pathetically weak, or so immensley deadly that we need the help of 
> semi-mythical demigods to prevail.  Yippee. . . How about aliens that 
> do alien things for alien motives which make sense to them?  And have 
> simillar overall ability to humans, but in different ways?

I'd make the counter point that pulp SF has been making aliens we can 
beat that are about as powerful as us for quite a while. I think the 
universe is a big place. It has room for humans, aliens that are 
weaker than us (and may not realize it until we kick them around), 
aliens that are as tough as us (competitors), and aliens that can 
kick our ass with both hands tied (hope they ignore us). In any case, 
they should (like good Traveller aliens) be *alien* in thought and 
motivation (or as much so as we can make them) (and yes, there could 
be another race that is dangerous because it thinks nearly exactly 
like we do......). I'm looking forward to whatever GZG decides to do 
with the big S dudes. As much as I like blasting other humans, I LOVE 
blasting bugs.....(or mutants or giant spiders, or whatever).  

I'm sure the GZG team will entertain and surprise us. 

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
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