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NAC/Japanese relations (was: Re: Anti-US bullshit...)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 11:30:10 +0000
Subject: NAC/Japanese relations (was: Re: Anti-US bullshit...)

>Snideness and suspicion aside, how feasable do we think a
>between Japan and a re-United Kingdom is?  FT/DS/SG attempts to retain
most of
>the national character present in today's world (makes the game fun and
>recognizable), and as a student of history, this seems REALLY unlikely.
>Noah V. Doyle

Unlikely maybe, but we have to throw SOME twists in.... the NAC take a
"protective" view of the Japanese for the latter's industry and tech. As
the timeline progresses, the Japanese are becoming much more independant
again as well as militarily aggressive....

As to the previous posts on this thread (argued with varying degrees of
vehemence and/or coherency), I can assure you all of one thing: THE FT
UNIVERSE HAS NO GOOD GUYS!!!! Everyone is out for their own ends at the
base level. Some nations/forces may adhere more to certain moral/ethical
codes than others, though one man's rules of war can easily become
man's atrocity. Anyone worried that the NAC is squeaky-clean should
the timeline again: they START the Third Solar War.....

I try not to let any predjudices and personal views influence the
background TOO much, though any writer will naturally write some things
believes in, and some of it is tongue-in-cheek as well - please
sense-of-humour bypasses in some cases. My own views are an odd mix of
extremely liberal in some areas, and something to the right of Ghengis
in others, but I don't let either standpoint influence my choice of
friends (who have varied between hardline Socialists and extreme Rights,
plus every shade in between - I even game regularly with a committed
"Green", which leads to much good-natured p*ss-taking......).

Are we all OK now??   ;)

Jon (GZG)

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