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Re: Nations and their size.

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 16:38:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Nations and their size.

You wrote: 

>I know but there are wider implications for all those using the GZG
>background that have been missed. John said that the Nea Rhomanoi 
Empire >had 47 worlds. Problem.

Note that this was entirely arbitrary, based on number of Themes extant 
in 1025. . . 

>45 planets. Now if New Israel and the Caliphate are minor powers then
>having 1 or 2 worlds seems ok. Free Cal-Tex however also has only 2 
worlds >and is yet rated as a major power due to it's economy. You can 
see the >implications if the Rhomanoi have 47 worlds.

Of course, the implications are that the Rhomaioi are a major power in 
my background. . . 

>	I have no problems with the Rhomanoi having an empire of 47 
continents >because taking Earth as an average this would mean the 
empire is 4-6 >worlds. Even a place like Mars can be divided up into 

Hrmmmm. . . Quite possible.  I'll have to play with the numbers a bit.	
Will probably work out to 4 or 5 major planets, with a half-dozen minor 
colonies (probably all contested by Islamic Federation in order to make 
border raiding a problem. . . )

John M. Atkinson

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