RE: X to GZG conversions...
From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:10:11 +0100
Subject: RE: X to GZG conversions...
On Monday, April 27, 1998 12:48 PM, 97010582
[] wrote:
> What is it about GW, they produce somof the best minatures
around(though i
> agree that they sell them at the most absurd prices) but still their
> background is very rich and full of ideas, so don't just slag them off
> the time.
> Daniel Preece
Putting on my Full Metal Anorak (FMA) ...
Can we please move any futher
Games Workshop (GW) vs GZG off topic/flame/suck/rools/advocacy etc.
to private email. thanks
tim jones