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Re: FT at GenCon '98

From: dean.gundberg@b...
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 98 12:56:46 -0600
Subject: Re: FT at GenCon '98

> I realise that this may be a bit premature for some, but I was
> if there was going to be a FT tourney at Gen Con this year. In the
> there have been demo games and various other scenarios, but I don't
> an actual tournament.
 Yup, as I alluded to in a prior message, there will be a Full Thrust 
 Tournament at GenCon this year.
 16 players, single elimination, 1500 point pre-made fleets to choose
 FT 2nd edition and MT rules used.  Tentatively scheduled for Saturday
 8:00 to 4:00.
 Lots of other FT, DSII and SGII games will be run by the judges
sponsored by 
 GeoHex (thanks KR).  There looks to be a better distinction this year
 introduction games and more advanced scenarios.
 Stop by and say hi if you don't want to play.	Last year was my first
year at 
 GenCon since 1984 and I had a blast, mainly due to the FTGZG list
members and 
 GeoHex judges I met there (enough fun to actually commit to becoming a
 this year).  It almost time to start discussing rules for the list game
 the Revlon Fleet return?)
 If anyone has questions on the GenCon FT Tourney, ask and I can try to 

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