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Re: Platoon Leaders in SG2

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 10:24:13 -0400
Subject: Re: Platoon Leaders in SG2

>I've got a question concerning platoon leaders in SG2.  Does a
>platoon's command squad have a platoon leader _and_ a platoon

I guess that depends on the TOE of your troops, for example the British
army has both a Leiutenant and a Sergeant in the 'comand section'.  In
sci-fi, the US Colonial Marines also has a Lt. and a master sgt.

>Whenever my group plays a game, the platoon command
>squad never moves because all of it's actions are used to
>give additional moves to the other squads.

So try using EW troops, if your command section is sitting put then they
have to get thier intel from the forward troops who have to use
communication actions to inform them, thus slowing them up. 
the comamnd section then has to communicate back to the squad to
transferactions.  Try the EW guys out with decent EW kit, once a player
realises that they have to get thier command section nearer the front
because word of mouth is more reliable than communicators they will then
really start to have to balance re-activation of troops with moving and
fighting the command section.

>  If the command
>squad has it's own leader, then it could move/fire while the
>platoon leader was directing his squads.

The pltn leader is also in comand of his/her own section, the actions
that squad are what are used to transfer actions.  The only way you
do what you want is to use your pltn commander as an individual figure
the comand section as a separate squad.   To me this is not the 'done
thing' a this is purely a device to get more actions. Personally if I
saw a
guy doing this I would field more than my fair share of snipers and cap
Lt as soon as he/she showed and sign of movement :-)


Stuart Murray

Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461

Tel: (718) 430 4289

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