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Re: What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?

From: "Geo-Hex" <geohex@t...>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 11:20:44 +0000
Subject: Re: What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?

> From:
> Reply-to:
> Date: 	 Wed, 15 Apr 1998 16:54:06 -0700
> Subject:	 Re: What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?
> To:

>      Silent Death Deluxe has an excellent set of torpedo models.  This
>      in five different colors representing their damage size.  The
>      are numbered.  I use the different colors to represent the
>      missile types in FT.
>      They also provide missile pack models in gray.  These things are
>      and ugly (lots of flash), but could be used for scatterpacks
>      rather than rules) or for missile salvos (when we get the Fleet 
>      supplement in the US).
>      Perhaps the plastic model sprues can be bought from ICE, who
>      Silent Death Deluxe.
>		  Badger

AFAIK they can be bought as separate items!!

KR, Geo-Hex

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