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Re: SAGA book (was: More on painting)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 08:09:50 +0000
Subject: Re: SAGA book (was: More on painting)

>Also, I've found that I can frequently get a better impression of what
>miniature looks like after it's painted than the bare metal. Especially
>if it's on a web page,but also if it's appearing in the rule book, the
>visual difference can be quite startling. And if you're worried about
>cost, pull the money out of your advertising budget for the year when
>pay the printer for those pages. :-)

WHAT advertising budget??  ;)
Seriously, yes, colour plates are nice, but they eat up a huge amount of
the cost of a book. Maybe....

Jon (GZG)

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