Re: What, no messages?)
From: carlparl@j... (Carl J Parlagreco)
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 21:15:59 -0400
Subject: Re: What, no messages?)
On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 16:53:01 -0700 John Leary <>
>Tony Christney wrote:
>> Interesting bit of trivia: Estimated human population of N.A. before
>> arrival of Europeans - 250 million.
> Interesting bits of trivia like this make propaganda look like
>the truth!
> While the U.S.A. is about to go thru another cencus, the last
>number I recall for population was 230 million. I personally feel
>that if the indians numbered 250 million, the europeans would have
>been pushed into the sea.
> I do not wish to bore everyone with doing the numbers again
>(and I am sorry for having done so!) but PC is just something
>that sets me off!
Actually, there is apparently a recent hypothesis about the Indian
population of the Americas being *much* higher than previously
it's just that they all died off very quickly when European diseases
root. As a f'rinstance, when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock, they
found evidence that people had been living there, but nobody was around,
'cause they'd all died off.
Mind you, I haven't made up my mind on this matter, yet. I want to see
some more data. But the European diseases were extremely deadly to the
As for being PC, trust me, I'm not.
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