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Re: SAGA book (was: More on painting)

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 00:19:34 -0500
Subject: Re: SAGA book (was: More on painting)

With all due respect to Brian, I don't necessarily consider some 
colour plates (or at the least, patches of chosen paint schema) to be 
fluff. As FT3 is a minis game, and as people do bother to call these 
things "an ESU cruiser" or a "NAC powered infantry trooper with 
personnal plasma gun" (etc.), I think that semi "official" painting 
guides (and yes, more designs!) would be quite useful and wouldn't 
classify as fluff. Perhaps it is the material of a NetBook rather 
than a printed book (the graphics would work well that way). If I'm 
to bother buying SG2 and DS2 and FT2 (or FT3) ships, calling them 
some particular ship from some particular force, I think I'd like to 
paint them in the colours the designers (Jon and the Sculptors) had 
in mind. 


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