SF quote list
From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 21:32:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: SF quote list
Given that I started that thread, and that I'm occasionally just anally
retentive :) I've saved all (or most) of the science fiction/combat
related quotes people inflicted on the list.
If anyone wants the list - for use on webpages or whatever - let me
know - I'll email you privately with the monster...
There's some good stuff here - from movies & books both. (Although it
seems that some people have watched 'Aliens' and other movies a bit too
I might even add some stuff, esp. from a certain Guidebook, which found
itself somewhat underrepresented on the list. (OTOH, after 'Don't
what more need be said?)
Enough already...Anyone interested, contact me by private email...
Brian (burger00@camosun.bc.ca)