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RE: Painting Omegas for use

From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 16:01:52 -0500
Subject: RE: Painting Omegas for use

Actually I had just found from looking at the Lurkers Guide that it was
Olympic, thanks for that and the Furies. It sure sounded like they said
Furious which would not have been out of place when you consider a
number of the ships are not Greek named but you are correct.  The Guide
actually had a picture showing Furies and Pollux with the EA insignia
backwards.  I might believe the letters represent batches but what about
Alexander having a different letter on each side and it seems like there
would have to be a lot of batches to give Vesta a V

David Best

>From:	Steve Pugh[]
>Sent:	Thursday, March 19, 1998 2:49 PM
>Subject:	Re: Painting Omegas for use
>> For anyone painting Omega Class Destroyers out there and wants some
>> Unknown - R on starboard when it and Nimrod were chased out 
>> through the gate at B5.
>Wasn't this the Olympic?
>> Furious - F
>This was the Furies, not Furious. Greek Mythology again.
>> As you can see there seems to be no consistency. This could just be
>> sloppiness or some convoluted scheme.  I don't think they represent
>> group designations as any groups shown have different letters.  I
>> even jokingly suggested they might be "mint marks" for where they
>> were constructed.  If anyone has any solid info on this I would love
>> to hear from them. 
>I believe that JMS has said that they are batch marks. This matches 
>with the Agammemnon being 'one of the first... off the production 
>lines' (Sheridan in 'And For a Word').
>I suppose that it's quite possible that many but not all ships 
>in the A batch were given names starting with A and so on for 
>the other batches.
>	Steve
>"My theories appal you, my heresies outrage you, 
> I never answer letters and you don't like my tie."  - The Doctor
>Stephen Richard Pugh

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