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RE: DS2 Moonbase Xi

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:00:59 -0500
Subject: RE: DS2 Moonbase Xi

Ground spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> >I think that you should be able to get a VTOL working in a vaccum, it
> >just won't be a helicopter, beside that I've just picked up a 1/350
> >scale Space 1999 eagle.
> The VTOLs in DSII and SGII are assumed to be airbreathing
> or fan-lifted craft, so of course need atmosphere to function. A craft
> the Eagle, which uses rocket engines for lift, would work fine in
vacuum -
> but it would be very heavy on fuel.

Of course, less so on the low grav moon than on Earth. It'd take less 
to lift and less to stay lifted. Acceleration would still cost 

 Maybe rocket-driven vehicles that
> operate like VTOLs, but have a limited on-table endurance? (BTW, by
> "rocket" I'm assuming either low-tech chemical burners or things like
> plasma jets - either could be quite nastily useful if you overfly an
> at low altitude....?!)

Counterpoint: Very visible exhaust should make easy pickings for SA 
missile systems...

> Jon (GZG)
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
66 Iber Road, Stittsville
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