Battle Cruiser 3000AD
From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 15:16:06 +0000
Subject: Battle Cruiser 3000AD
It may be of interest to anyone who doesn't keep track of the various
computer game sites,
but there is a very space oriented game out there called Battle Cruiser
3000ad. Now some of you probably heard about the fiasco with this game
where it was released by the publisher (not the programmer) before it
actually finished. Recently the programmer released the final working
version of the game onto the net as freeware (52Mb in size though). I
haven't really played the game yet but it seems to be based on the old
Elite style of game except that you command a battleship with various
different components (Fighters, ground troops).
If anyones interested the address of the site is
I'd advise you use getright or some similar program to download it.
Downloading it otherwise could be frustrating.
Anyway, hope its of interest.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT, Cathal Brugha St,