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Re: Non Violent Weapons

From: Los <Los@c...>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 20:28:04 -0500
Subject: Re: Non Violent Weapons

>  hitting an armoured Marine in the eyeball would be bad news. I also
> > suggest a maximum range such as 1 band for wax and two bands for
> > rubber. Thoughts anyone?

I would think that for future purposes, non lethal weapons would take
the form of
energy typre weapons.

> The problem with any gas, neural disrupter etc. is that in a riot
> situation you're targeting a very large group of people. Even if only
> of population is violently allergic to stumm gas, there are bound to
be a
> couple in any rioting mob -- and you want to avoid *any* casualties.
> Civilians suffocating in their own vomit is bad press.

Actually it depends upon teh situations. After six months in Haiti I
became quite
an expert in the use of pepper spray and went through cans of it.
Usually when
you disperse a crowd, or need to break up a crowd, you are dealing with
individuals that need to be put down. When you are really trying to
break up a
riot before it happens, you go in and grab a few select individuals that
inciting the mob. In these cases you need a narrow ccurate shot intothe
face of
someone at like ten meters or less. Incidently the Haitains called
pepper spray
vodoo in a can.

As far as civilian casualties to allergies. Well once you have decided
to use
force (nonlethal weapons are still force), then you are taking a
decision taht
could lead to injuries or eath as any situation can escalate. If you
wanttaht to happen you have to back off, or just sit tehre and take it.


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