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Re: going to try SGII (long)

From: Andy Cowell <cowell@i...>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 12:58:16 -0500
Subject: Re: going to try SGII (long)

In message <>, Andy Skinner writes:
> But do you decide which it is going to be based completely on which
> would rather do, or does the situation determine which kind of move it
> is going to be?

It is my understanding of the rules that the only time you are required
to use a particular style of movement is the combat move before CC.

> fire?  (Again, assuming players have to judge what is under fire.)  (I
> rolled a 1 and two 2s for my combat moves. :)

Heh.  I tend to use Combat Moves a lot, just because it feels like I
might get further...btw, I use 2dX instead of dX x 2.  You get a nice
bell curvey look for your rolls.

> >4) If you get more potential hits than there are figures in the
> >squad, do the potential hits get applied more than once to those
> >figures?
> > I don't know if this is official but it's a house rule of ours that
yes you
> > can.
> Any other thoughts on the officialness of this?

I _almost_ brought my rules to work today because of this thread, but of
course, I didn't.  My understanding of the rules is that since your
and kills are allocated randomly, you can double up on an individual at
any time, not only when there are more hits than troops.  I also
this to be fairly realistic.

Andrew E. B. Cowell <>
Systems Administrator, Internet Design Group, Inc.

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