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Re: Woops, a little regional there...

From: Kyle Klingler <kklinglr@f...>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 14:20:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Woops, a little regional there...

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Step awaaaay from the wiffle bat! wrote:

> Now, what's the excuse for the Ohio boys??  :-P  Lancaster isn't going
> to be much over 6-7 hours tops...
Hey, I was spending the weekend recovering from a previous convention
where from 3:00am to 5:00am the fire alarms kept going off in the hotel.

*  Kyle Klingler -		     *
* I'm not dumb.  I just have a command of thoroughly useless	     * 
* information. - Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes			     *

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