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Re: Custom Miniatures

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 13:11:47 -0800
Subject: Re: Custom Miniatures

   I don't think anyone want to make copies of miniatures to avoid
playing for them.  Even if it was not a lot of work and expense for
the equiptment and materials, most of not all people would rather
buy a legal figure.

   What is frustrating is that there are a lot of very good miniautures
that are no longer available.  If I could, I'd love to buy some of the
Stardate 3000 spaceship by Valiant.  I can understand why some want to
copy miniatures such as these, and quite frankly I don't see any harm
in doing so.  Certainly no one is missing out on any profits since none
are for sale anyway.  It is great that the Superior's Starfleet Wars
are available again, but don't count on other old lines coming back.
It is a shame that it isn't legal to make copies.  Personally I'm too
busy and lazy to try and make copies, so I do without.

Tom Granvold				<>

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