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From: Nic Robson <nicr@e...>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 07:50:31 +1100
Subject: Re: HELP STUART!

I do believe that the "Future Warriors" range has been bought up by an
Italian company. We are expecting supplies in Australia in around about
weeks, is there anything in particular that folk want?

At 03:33 PM 3/2/98 -0500, you wrote:
>(Okay, that's an overly melodramatic beginning but....)
>Hope you had a good trip back from the Con. I have to admit, I slept 
>late Monday morning... (*grin*)
>Anyway, I went to the Galoob homepage... guess what? Due to 
>distribution rights, they don't ship to non-US addresses. So, can we 
>arrange something where you order the stuff from them and I get you 
>to ship it up to me? I can send US$ cash, a bank draft/money order, 
>or some other form of trade. 
>Just let me know if you can help me out here bud!
>BTW, I am phoning Sentry Box in calgary. They have an $85 Can 
>dropship (the big model I'd imagine), but also they claim a bunch of 
>the colonial marines from Leading Edge. Now, since their catalog 
>isn't all that accurate, I'm going to phone and see if they have 
>these things. If they actually have leading edge colonial marine 
>minis (including machine gunners, colonial marine sets, sentry guns, 
>etc), would you want me to order you some? I also have a question in 
>to a hobby store in VA or WA (can't recall) which claims to have 
>Grenadier future warriors heavy weapons troopers and a trooper on a 
>bike... If they do, and they have spares, would you be interested in 
>either of these types of figures?
>Let me know when you get a sec.
>TTY soon.
>Thomas Barclay
>Software Specialist
>Police Communications Systems
>Software Kinetics Ltd.
>66 Iber Road, Stittsville
>Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
>Reception: (613) 831-0888
>PBX: (613) 831-2018
>My Extension: 2034
>Fax: (613) 831-8255
>Our Web Page:

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