Re: Couple of Stargrunt questions..
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 15:42:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Couple of Stargrunt questions..
Jonathan spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> After getting fed up with WH40K, Warzone and Kryomek, we dug a copy of
> Stargrunt out of my groaningly huge 'looked good but never got round
> playing' games pile and had a go. In general we were very impressed
but we
> have a couple of questions..
> 1) Range bands. The text says something like 'For every full range
> stage the range dice up one'. Does this mean if we have regular troops
> (weapon range 8") you can have to get to 16" away before the dice is
> again? i.e.
> 0-7" no range band, no staging (fair enough)
> 8"-15" one FULL range band (plus a bit more) - one staging
> 16" two stagings
> etc
I'm thinking not. Let's say you have regular troops (D8 quality die,
8" range band). The defender rolls D4 at 0-7.99", D6 at 8"-15.99", D8
at 16"-23.99", D10 at 24"-31.99", and D12 at 32"-40" (maximum range
not counting any other die shifts like cover etc.).
So attacker would roll D8 for quality, Dx for firepower +
maybe a die for support weapon(assume a 5 man squad with 4 assault
rifles and a high tech saw, it would be a D8 plus an additional D10
for the support weapon ). Defender rolls his range die shifted for
target cover (for example, defender at 26" in soft cover rolls the
base D10 for range shifted to a D12 for soft cover - making it pretty
likely the fire will not be terribly effective).
> 2) Disparate weapon colections. We had one side made up of a 'rabble'
> general punks/bikers etc who had a variety of wepons such as assault
> rifles, pistols, shotguns etc. Working out firepower was OK, but what
> of impact should we be using in this case? Average? Best?
The game says when using a support weapon with normal fire, you use
the lowest (assumption, 1 support weapon, 3-7 rifles). I think I'd be
inclined to say if you have a really eclectic mix, you might use the
average. (But if you throw in pistols and shotguns, I'd be very
tempted to calculate two impacts and two firepowers - one for outside
6" where pistols and shotguns won't have much effect and don't factor
in, and one for inside 6" where they do). That would seem fair.
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
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