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Doing the casting thing... Re: Custom Miniatures

From: Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@U...
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 13:52:57 -0600
Subject: Doing the casting thing... Re: Custom Miniatures

Haven't done any casting myself, but there are some fairly vigorous
discussions on the* lists, particularly misc and
warhammer. One fellow mentioned something he called 'smash' resin
I don't recall the specifics, though there was something about a web

If you have web access(I'm starting to feel very repetitive on this; I
already suggested this to new newsgroup folks asking q's belonging in
FAQ's), you can use one of the search/archive sites to find particular
in past posts. I know of and The former seems to have the much larger

By the way,  almost any mention of casting on these groups seems to
immediately require a lesson on copyright protection, even when the
original poster, as you, said they were casting original work. Expect to
have to filter a fair amount of such back-and-forth.

I've been thinking about doing some spaceships; a friend does some
casting, and I figured I could use some styrene sheet and model parts.
done bashing before, but have been thinking about making some as model
masters. However, I figured I'd go the two piece glued together route.

Do you do your own sculpting? You have my deepest admiration there.


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