Re: Further thoughts on hitting with lasers
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:16:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Further thoughts on hitting with lasers
Jerry spake thusly upon matters weighty:
Though, there are systems that can take a
> 'snapshot' of a target, and follow it down. Maverick and several
> other Electro-optical guided missiles/bombs are examples of this.
> Actually, would anybody know what the tolerances on these systems are?
> (And if so, could they actually tell us? (8-) )
I assume to some extent, and based off Mr. TV, that these systems us
IR tracking as well as optical, and use high speed sampling rates and
a technology similar to anti-jitter technology used in hand held cam
corders - the high speed imaging grabs two sequential frames, and
looks for changes. In the case of the anti-jitter - it takes out
small vibrations. In the case of tracking, it probably moves the
array and recentres on the new centre. If the array can track as fast
as the target is moving, and if it has a high enough rate of
acquiring frame data (ie it doesn't take five minutes to build a
frame hence observations about movement are near meaningless), then
it should track okay. Mind you this style of tracking is an 'after
the fact style' - where the target WAS a little piece ago (1 frame
back). It isn't (but probably could be made) predictive - it won't
guess where the target is going. It could, and if it did, you'd be
stuck with the quality of the 'guesses' your software made and the
longer the lag between frame acquisition, the more problematic this
would become.
Here's another one - interesting scenario for FT - one force heavy,
the other force light. The light force catches the heavy force in the
middle of shakedown on new SW or HW which is problematic - as a
result they perform with enough penalties to let the light guys have
an advantage or at least so things are even. (ie "Dammit Jones, those
NSL destroyers are coming in! Get that targeting array online or
we'll have to fire by Eyeball Mark One!" "I'm trying captain, but
every time I try to target something, I get a blue screen with
register information and a Contact Your Software Vendor message....")
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
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