Re: DS2 Infantry Figures
From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 00:17:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: DS2 Infantry Figures
Excerpts from FT: 23-Feb-98 DS2 Infantry Figures by Brian
> I am looking for cavalry for DS2.
> Does anyone know of any 1/300 or 1/285th scale motorcycle figures. I
> tried Micro Armor, but was unable to discover such figures.
Well, there's always GW's bikes, but they don't come many to a pack.
Still... I've got a bunch of old Marine boxes, and can probably spare
some bikes. How many are you looking for? (E-mail, please...
> Not as high on the priority list is mounted cavalry figures on horses
> camels.
I don't recall which line it was, unfortunately, but I've seen 2 or 3
different horse cavalry figs.
Aaron Teske