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Re: DSII Question- Obstacles

From: Christopher Pratt <valen10@f...>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 06:33:57 -0500
Subject: Re: DSII Question- Obstacles

Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Brian spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> > Ouch, ouch ouch...we're getting into WW1 here...thing to do w/
someone who
> > lavishes this much care onto his fortifications is to bypass them -
> > orbital-inserted PI to land in his rear area, swing around and
> > his forts w/ fast armour, use air-mobile assets to again hit his
> > etc. Think Magaino (sp!) Line, and the advance thru the Ardennes by
> > Germans...
> Maginot actually, but I know what you meant. Unspoken assumption: You
> are somewhere he can't do that (for example, where he does not
> possess air or orbital superiority, or in an alien climate which is
> not favorable to operations other than groundpounding, or you are out
> on the rim and these sorts of assets aren't available). BTW, if PA
> drop troops are elite assets, then risking them in a high ADE
> insertion is not cost effective. Until you've surpressed ADE, they
> may not be worth inserting even given they may strike lighter
> defences.
your also assuming that you can't seige,
just ring him up in all those nice defences and wait and see who run out
of food, not a
very nice way to wage war, but are there really any nice ways :)

chirstopher pratt

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