RE: Full Thrust Webring
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 13:01:45 -0500
Subject: RE: Full Thrust Webring
> A list of theme related WWW sites that have links to the previous/next
> in the ring if you follow the ring in one direction you will
> reach the original site (it's a circular linked list Alun)
> There are some management functions that allows random jumps
> and shows you the next or previous 5 sites.
> Its just a cooler (maybe) way of implementing the usual 'related
> links' page
Except that, with all linked list, one bad link will throw you into
netherspace (now, being circular, you can come at it from the other
direction). I don't really think this is "cooler" just different. And
more failure prone. But its all in fun anyway, so who worries about
details like that?
:) Tom.
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
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