Prev: Re: [OFFICIAL] Some FT background stuff (guidelines for writers) - LONG POST! Next: Re: GZG Mini and Dice collections?

Re: [OFFICIAL] Some FT background stuff (guidelines for writers) - LONG POST!

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:44:49 -0800
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Some FT background stuff (guidelines for writers) - LONG POST!

>On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, John Leary wrote:
>> Allan Goodall,
>>	I have been in contact with: "Honest Johns Used Spaceship Parts"
>> the owner says you should stop buying the inferior FSE and ESU grav
>> units for your fighters. Even the used FCT compensators do not cause
>> the problem you related, and they are on sale this month only.
>> So act quickly, this is a limited time offer!
>>	As far as communications is concerned, I feel that the courier
>> ship exists for a reason, communication.   So I prefer the non-FTL
>> communication background of 'Traveller".
>Me too. (Although I don't play Traveller...) Courier vessels make the
>game more interesting strategically, and, as another poster pointed
>give that proper 'High Colonial' feel to the game.
>(This "High Colonial"/Napoleonic feel is more or less your inspriation
>the 'offical' GZG background, isn't it, Jon? British Empire & German
>allies vs nasty French, only the Russians have changed sides...)

One thing you could do is have unmanned, very small (hard to detect)
courier vessels. This way the transits could be made without delay
between transits. This would make transmission effectively FTL.
Essentially the only delay would be to power up the computers,
calculate position, then power down the computer and make the
next transit. Very difficult to intercept, especially if the couriers
strayed far off the major shipping lines...

Just an idea from someone who doesn't even play FT.

>Brian (


Tony Christney
*     "Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun"	*
*				- Ash		*

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