Re: [OFFICIAL] National Characteristics?
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 09:46:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] National Characteristics?
>Ground Zero Games wrote:
>XXXX This message concerns FT 2.5/3.0 XXXX
>Jon T.
> The current FT background (as I see it) Is an extension of the
>modern era (Cold War) and the continuation of the WWII fleet design
>This makes me wonder how the NSL ends up with big slow ships.
>A very reasonable argument can be made that the construction of
>Scharnhorst and Gneisneau triggered the WWII fast battleship
>construction programs for the French, British, and Americans.
>Bye for now,
>John L.
You're reading WAAAAY too much into the 20th-century parallels... the
fleet doctrine is planned to be in keeping with the look of the ships,
to give interesting variations between the different fleets. The NSL
look chunky, armoured and ponderous, so that is what we've made them.
idea is that NO fleet should be made of "super" ships, so we've balanced
the NSL's strength with low mobility.
Jon (GZG)