Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics? AND EFSB question for Jon
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 19:09:28 +0000
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics? AND EFSB question for Jon
>Oooo, the dreaded O-word! Shock of creeping evil empire-ism! ;->= Ok,
so it
>was appropriately used, and it was officially wishy-washy (subject to
>change at any minute). Feels weird in our laid-back atmosphere.
Just in case any newcomers to the list don't know, I occasionally put
[OFFICIAL] in a posting when it has to do with actual rules ideas,
modifications etc., or when I'm asking for specific input or reactions
something; it's nothing to get paranoid about, we're not going to start
making you paint your starships with only official, genuine GZG Paint
Brushes (TM)......
>Long as it's creeping in, I was curious on how you were setting up the
>'official'-ness of the book, Jon. Obviously, lists(total of each
>of ships, and points of each. I'm also assuming scenarios with
>fleets(to be run in the scenario by each side). Any other guidelines or
>fleet lists(to be run in a particular point game)? Funny, I used to be
>to express myself clearly.
Basically, the book will consist of the new rules stuff (which will
effectively make FT2 into "FT2.5", ready for FT3 when it comes along),
then the illustrations, specs, ship diagrams and a bit of data on each
from the four main human fleets. Although the ships will be specific to
the "Official" (aaagh, there's that word again...) background, anyone
doesn't use it will still be able to use the book as a resource of
pregenerated ship designs that can be renamed and modifed to whatever
like. The designs in the book certainly won't mean that you can't make
own designs as well, even if you are using the GZG background - we will
only be showing one example of each type of ship (maybe some with
alternative refits), and the navies can safely be assumed to have plenty
other types of the same size class in service as well. For example, the
illustrated NAC destroyer class will of course be the Ticonderoga, but
(like modern navies) they will undoubtedly have at least half a dozen
DD types in service at the same time, some older and some newer.
There won't be any scenarios in this volume, since it will be pretty
with the rules and designs.
Jon (GZG)