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Re: Unofficial GZG Fiction

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 08:00:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Unofficial GZG Fiction

Allan Goodall wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jan 1998 20:33:19 -0800, John Leary <>
> wrote:
> >Robert,
> >	Very nice technicial side, I am certain that all who take
> >the time to read 'Karla's kidnap' will enjoy it as nuch as I did.
> Well, maybe not everyone. I found the grammatical errors to be
> annoying. I wasn't too crazy about some of the dialogue; there was too
> much Rod-and-Don-ism.
> Allan Goodall

     The conduct of the conversation sounded very much like meetings
I have attended at work.   Very realistic!   Flaws help add a bit of
reality to the work.   

Just a thought,
John L. 
(I assume Rod and Don are a comedy duo.)

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