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RE: Re-scaling question (Stargrunt)

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:42:45 +0000
Subject: RE: Re-scaling question (Stargrunt)

>Not 'zacly... the most common definition of 25mm scale iws the average
>hieght of a man or around 5'8" or so. The upshot is _TRUE_ 25mm ends up
>being around 1/68 or 1/69. But 1/72 is definately the most common model
>size available nearest 25mm. It works well for the smaller castings
>(e.g. Starguard ! figs &c.) but looks bogus next to the Giganto

As I've always understood it, a figure scale (eg: 25mm) is traditionally
supposed to refer to the height of an average human male from soles of
to EYE LEVEL, not to top of head. I think this is because the eyes are
visible on most figures (historical ones anyway, from which the scale
system arose), whereas the actual top of head is usually hidden under
headgear of various heights (especially on Napoleonics!!) making it hard
measure accurately. Thus "true 25mm" should really refer to around 5'4"
so, making it around 1/64. We work to about 1/60 for the vehicles and
to give them a chunky look and allow them to be used with GW-size stuff
well as our own.

Jon (GZG)

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