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Re: Age and Complexity

From: Winchell Chung <nyrath@c...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:12:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Age and Complexity

Well, I did my bit to try and pass the torch.

I have a nephew, which my sister describes as being
just like me.

So, recently when they visited, I arrived with presents.

<whip out a copy of Starfire>
Here is a neat-o keen-o game about interstellar battlefleets
having galactic wars.  It so impressed an SF author named
David Weber...

<whip out a copy of Weber & White's novel CRUSADE>
...that he wrote this book.  It so impressed the
makers of Starfire...

<whip out a copy of the Crusade supplement for Starfire>
...that they made it into an expansion of the Starfire game.

I also gave him a copy of Ogre... which I autographed. <grin>

      * A B S I T * I N V I D I A * V E R B O ** I D E M * S O N A N S *
| Nyrath the nearly wise |
+---_---+---------------------[ SURREAL SAGE SEZ:
|  /_\	| He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe
and    |
| <(*)> | island are the laws of nature.				
| //|\\ |								

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