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Re: Age and Complexity

From: Winchell Chung <nyrath@c...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:02:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Age and Complexity

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Rob Paul wrote:

>	  3) Microgames- I'm still very fond of OGRE/GEV and Warpwar
> had some very nice "believeable" illustrations- also by Winchell
> weren't they?

	Guilty as charged.  If you look at the illustration on
	the title page, the system ship detaching from the
	warpship was based on a Larry Niven "singleship" from
	PROTECTOR.  I like my illustration with Hard Science,
	like my Science Fiction.

      * A B S I T * I N V I D I A * V E R B O ** I D E M * S O N A N S *
| Nyrath the nearly wise |
+---_---+---------------------[ SURREAL SAGE SEZ:
|  /_\	| There are many kinds of people in the world.	Are you one of
them? |
| <(*)> |								
| //|\\ |								

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