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Re: FT Fighters & Cancon report

From: Brian Bell <pdga6560@c...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:35:54 -0400
Subject: Re: FT Fighters & Cancon report

> ADAFs can fire at any fighter, 2 rolls at 6", 1 roll at 12".
> PDAFs can fire at any fighter, 1 roll at 6".
I like this.
I was going to suggest a HDAF (Heavy Defence Anti-Fighter System):
Tons: 2
Range: 6
Points: 9
May attack any fighter or missile within 6". Hits Fighters on 4+,
Missiles on 5+. Kills 1d6-1(minimum 1) Fighters or destroyes a Missile.
Heavy fighters subtract 1 from this roll.

PSB justification: Fighter weapons are about 1/6 mass. (6 Fighters with
bay is 6 tons, 1/2 fighters & 1/2 bay gives 1/2 mass fighters. Fighter
is 1/3 engine, 1/3 weapon & 1/3 structure. This gives a 1/6 mass
weapon). HDAF mounts 6 Fighter weapons and a Fire Control System for the

Brian Bell
The Full Thrust Ship Registry

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