Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity)
From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 16:30:41 -0800
Subject: Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity)
Samuel Reynolds wrote:
> 37, DINK (dual-income, no kids) with a tight budget because of
> the house (though the new job should help that!). Living in Parker,
> CO (SE of Denver). Married for nine years and counting. No kids,
> but my elderly mom may be moving in with us soon (since we're the
> only ones in the family that are doing okay and don't have kids).
> Started with D&D in '76, then AD&D (contrary to popular belief,
> there's no such thing as "1st edition") 'til 2 yrs ago (moved
> away from long-lived group, and didn't find another). Took up
> GURPS for fantasy and cyberpunk over the last couple of years.
> Also played a little Twilight:2000 and Traveller in the early
> '80s.
> Dabbled in wargames in the early '80s: Bought Starship Troopers
> (original game, not the new one); played a couple of times only
> due to lack of opponents. Bought BattleTech 2nd ed. box, plus
> several "tech readout" books; played a few times. Bought StarFleet
> Battles; never played.
> Last year I fell into a group (the group I play GURPS with) that
> does a little Full Thrust, Dirtside, and Stargrunt, and decided to
> go for FT and DS; I'm putting together a respectable set of forces
> for DS, but haven't played much yet. For FT, I'm slowly assembling
> a (mostly scratch-built) flying saucer fleet, and also haven't
> played much. And I might try Stargrunt as well, since the packages
> of plastic gaming minis (disguised as kiddie toys) that I picked up
> at Toy Liquidators over the holidays for use in DS2 also yielded
> 72 plastic SF soldier types in about 20mm scale, and some of the
> ships cannot be convincingly called microscale.
> On r.g.m.m. I heard about Fantasy Rules! mass rules, and
> they sounded like a lot of fun, so I'm putting together forces
> for FR! as well. I should complete a 15mm lizardman army (mainly
> from Chipco's army pack) and a 15mm skeleton army (mainly Grenadier,
> Ral Partha, and Reaper). Haven't played it at all yet, though. :-(
> So...anyone want to start gaming FT, DS2, or FR! one Thursday night
> a month in Parker, CO?
> - Sam
> ________________________________________
> Samuel Reynolds
Well Sam,
I am probably one of the very few people on the list who
knows exactly where parker Co. is located. Should I ever get back
to Denver I'll try to get in contact.
Question, is the little red Saab still sitting in the garage
at the house on the right side of the road across from the roadside
cafe on the way to Denver.?
Bye for now,
John L.