Helltank and Helltank Destroyer
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 98 10:28:01 GMT
Subject: Helltank and Helltank Destroyer
On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Jonathan Jarrard wrote:
[Interesting bits snipped]
>On the other hand, OGRE/G.E.V. was set up to allow super-tanks to
>operate effectively. I was curious to know whether anyone's tried this
>with more realistic rule systems.
It relies primarily on the super-armour the Ogres have. A carrier is
considered very vulnerable unless it has a _lot_ of screening units. I
suspect that the "realistic OGRE" would always be heavily escorted,
especially by antimissile and (ideally) antiartillery vehicles...
As the size goes up, the proportion of mass you have to dedicate to
armour to provide all-over defence does go down... but with current
weapons, you can't afford (in weight terms) to provide all-over defence
/~~\_/~\ BEWARE ,,, |~) _ _ _ _ |~) __|_ _ _ \ / _ __|_
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\__/~\_/ FILKER ``` _| roger@firedrake.demon.co.uk
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