RE: Stargrunt II question
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 10:35:17 -0500
Subject: RE: Stargrunt II question
> I don't think an apology is in order. I was directed to this list as a
> FT/DS/SG list not just exclusive FT.
> I agree about the "Overwatch" "Watch and shoot" "Fixed Lines" or
> whatever you want to call it. The Reaction Fire rule I think was meant
> to cover that situation. Well, a House Rule of some sort until a
> Ammendment/Addendum" (yeah, I shudder at the mention of those too)
> out. Jeremy Sadler's SG Web Page would be a fine place to put it.
> questions that spring to mind might include the unit facing in
> type of problem; although we generally manage to work them out
> ourselves.
Agreed, but it doesn't hurt. I have a version in testing state for a
possible Overwatch action, so when I'm done, I'll make it available
on my own web page and put the URL up here.
> Anyway, the problem; if B is on the edge of the cover, then A could
> fired at them at any time they were sitting there. If not, then they
> must have been Inside the woods; ie can't see, can't shoot BUT can't
> seen or shot at. Assume then that they on the edge of the woods (A is
> dumb if they didn't shoot within close range anyway!).
70m A to B is an intentional distance in this contrived example,
outside of close range for some units, so it wasn't as advantageous
for A to fire as it would be once B had advanced another 10+ meters!
> 6" move would require some of that move inside the woods to get out.
> if B are on the edge of the wood then a minimum of 1" move to get out
> the trees; doubled for poor terrain to 2", then they have 4" move
> Now if A is in a concealed position the scenario should have give them
> number of dummy markers. So B would have to do a spotting turn on them
> first or else the fire would be Recon By Fire and no casualties
Okay, but let's take for Granted that B in its woodsline had
conducted spotting and knew A was there. This is a somewhat contrived
example. It could have equally been B approaches A in the open, and A
wants to fire when the enemy first enters short range, regardless of
when that is, and will hold fire otherwise. WIthin the rules, it is
quite possible, with a good combat move, that B could sprint from
medium (as far as 13") range to 1" away in one move, then conduct a
normal fire action before A (who were sitting patiently waiting)
could fire. And (not that I even want to be identified as a rules
lawyer - awful species, should be extinct) that doesn't mate too well
with reality. If I had a modern assault weapon, and someone had to
close between 150 and 350 feet in front of me when I was waiting for
them, there is very little chance they'd do this without me at least
firing! I've done Advance-To-Contact, and its fast and a good way to
advance, but it doesn't stun your opponents into not shooting....
> I know this is a specific situation and my response above was specific
> to that one. Actually we've never actually had that exact problem
Like I said, its a good (great!) set of rules. I'll post my
"Overwatch" rules and let everyone know where they are (then don my
light body armour and seek hard cover.....).
Thomas Barclay
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