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Age and Complexity

From: Adrian Bruce <adrian@r...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 10:21:54 +0900
Subject: Age and Complexity

Age and Complexity...

Being in my first real FT game ( thanks Dean), and getting blown
away as a newbe , I would like to hear what you all have to say on
a few things...
This is from someone who isn't a real gamer (yet), does enjoy this
list, has money for the rules and toys, is rather into various aspects
of SF, but didn't know miniature SF gaming existed 12 months
ago, and has never personally known anyone who was a 'gamer'.
Never seen a game shop, they don't exist here and never saw one
when I lived in Sydney Australia ( I would have only looked in the
period 1972 till about 1977).  (Sounds like this could be a large
part of the population to me) 

and with list help, located a paper copy at For those
that don't know it, the latest text of this book, with 1997 additions
is on the webgrognards site...	I've found the book very interesting,
especially as the paper version I got is the original 1980 edition.

I've also now got all the GZG rules, Babylon 5Wars, StarFleet
Battle System, EFSB, Jovian Chronicles, Ogre Miniatures, the
rules systems on the web and a few Japanese rules system books (
Gundam, Evangelion and what is in a bimonthly Game Journal
I couldn't give you much of a comparative  review of them though,
not actually having played anything other than FT and Ogre. 

Just reading all this stuff is rather interesting, but I've found it
true what is written in the WARGAME HANDBOOK about rule
complexity, age and available time. 
Older people want simpler systems and don't have the
time/energy/etc/etc .  I also lean more to the miniature/model side
than the playing, partly due to not knowing anyone who actually
plays this stuff, and partly by having quite a few other interests
and obligations as well... the WARGAME HANDBOOK, also
mentions that solo play was a major part of the hobby, and I can
understand that too. 

Computer games are mostly about solo play, but believe me, I get
enough of computers without spending more time stuck infront of
one playing computer games.  Miniatures are so much more
appealing and less isolating from your family..

 I have 3 kids, a wife, am a 'SARARI MAN' in a Japanese
Corporation, will hit 40 this year ( I can feel middle age crisis
creeping up on me already) , and really want to play this stuff (
Pbem and with my 12 year old son, simple FT and Ogre mainly),
but have trouble with what is considered to be even simple rules.

My kids can play with the miniature tanks, GEVs, starships and
mecha on the landscape or mats perfectly well with out me
wanting to organize it with a goal and rules... and that is probably
the way they will get the most use in the immediate future

So here comes the main part of	post folks. My own wants as a
customer. There is lots of  talk on this list about generic rules and
stuff, ( not supprising, as it GZG's approach)	but I really want
defined ships and vehicles and a whole bunch of scenarios,
including easy to hard solo play. The backstory, fiction and setting
is also something I rate rather highly, and makes the whole
package an 'entertainment' form in itself, as well as 'just' a game
system.  With out this stuff, it is easier to watch a movie or read a
good book,  rather than work out some playable scenario, which
I've discovered isn't doable without experience, CATCH 22.

Any other isolated, middle aged, ( I'm just joking!) would be
gamers here interested in 'simple' SF combat with miniatures that
is also suitable for solo play, and fun in and of itself ( other than
Ogre that is)?

I realise that many may disagree with this, but are you 40, with kids 


	Adrian Bruce
	Science Fiction Fantasy Design and Implementation

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