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Re: DS II 6mm Infantry Figures-whoops!

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:18:07 EST
Subject: Re: DS II 6mm Infantry Figures-whoops!

In a message dated 98-01-18 12:27:24 EST, I write:

>Hi Rich!
> The following describes...>>

Sorry about that last.	The post obviously hit the wrong target.  What I
to know,  is it better netiquette to apologise in a closed forum, such
as this
mailing list,  or save the bandwidth and appear stupid *and* rude? ;-)

Newbie 1, over and out.

At least the GZG now knows of one future sale.

Prev: Naval battles Next: [Mostly Off Topic] Terrier of Tindalos (Was: GZG - East Coast Convention...)