Re: DS II Figures (and currency crises...)
From: ngilsena@m...
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 15:33:58 +0000
Subject: Re: DS II Figures (and currency crises...)
> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 08:17:07 +0000
> To:
> From: (Ground Zero Games)
> Reply-to:
> Subject: Re: DS II Figures
> >A question for Jon really,
> >
> >A while ago I thought I saw a note on the list about plans to produce
> >SG 25mm range style figures in 6mm for DS II. Shortly after I saw
that one
> >type (NSL I think ?) was available. I am thinking of getting my
hands on
> >some DS II stuff so I was wondering what the progress with this
range, and
> >the 25mm vehicles in 6mm, was.
> >
> >Stuart.
> >
> >
> >Stuart Murray
> The NSL and NAC infantry are now out in 6mm - a full platoon per pack;
> got the first NAC Power Armour 6mm from the sculptor, the pack will be
> soon. The masters are on their way to geoHex any day now, contact them
> US release info. There are 23 different 6mm DSM vehicles out now,
> most of the 25mm designs.
> Jon (GZG)
Amazing how currency crises coincide with the release of new GZG
stuff. Are you sure you're not running the markets Jon?
God bless the Euro if it ever appears...
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,