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RE: A bit of SGII Fiction

From: "Haun, Gilles - SSG" <haung@e...>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:22:22 -0500
Subject: RE: A bit of SGII Fiction

Good one Steve!

>From:	Steve Pugh[]
>Sent:	Tuesday, January 06, 1998 7:23 AM
>Subject:	Re: A bit of SGII Fiction
>Imagine my shock when I start reading this little piece of fiction 
>and the first line is:-
>>  "Christ," whispered Pugh, "It looks like someone slapped a set of 
>> treads onto a dumpster!"
>Then later, we come to:
>>  "When I want your opinion, Pugh, I'll be sure to tell you what it
>>  is, understand? 
>Which is quite remarkabe when you consider one of my sig files. (The 
>one below in fact.)
>	Steve Pugh
>"When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it."
> Stephen Richard Pugh

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