Re: SV: SV: What makes a Capital ship Capital?
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 22:43:08 +0200 (EET)
Subject: Re: SV: SV: What makes a Capital ship Capital?
On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> But convenience tends to have great impact <g>
It does... but every once in a while you wake up and think in the middle
of a game you're losing: "Why the f**k am I doing a stupid thing like
this?" and realize the only answer is that you're too lazy to place your
ships on the window sill or do whatever else that would be logical and
effective, but inconvenient.
For me, moments like this flush the enjoyment of the game straight down
the toilet.
> Especially since it is much
> more comfortable (and thus convenient) to win with your designs rather
> your tactics! ;-)
Hee hee hee. Just the attitude I love to see encouraged.
> Sure - but I'll have to measure in mm to do it :-)
Yeah, and your C-batts wouldn't even reach the edge of your ship's
> More seriously, I _have_ played a battle where the speeds eventually
> approached 100 even for the battle-wagons. (Starting speeds were in
> 10-20 range.) It used the vector movement rules though, and the
> direction of travel was the same for most of the ships - so after a
> we did a Galileic coordinate transformation and made the table move
> the ships... Great fun, that was. Had we used the standard movement
> we'd have been in trouble <g>
I should have said *relative* speeds. I should have made it expressly
clear that I meant the FT rules as printed. Silly me.
> How much info do you give on the size of the various ships? (This is
> defined anywhere in the rules...
Errmm... there's an extensive scanning table in MT. Even a few ships
improved sensors brought the game to a halt. I never bothered with spray
painting ping pong balls.
> But this is IMO the same thing as your other examples above - an
> optimization stemming from a bad rule (in this case, the too-low mass
> the A). And thus, IMO, a bad optimization.
Erm. it's a bad rule, but not an unrealistic one (I should have made
distinction). The situation may very well be that A-beams are the
edge of technology and B's and C's are simply obsolete (which is the
situation in vanilla rules). Massless armor is a bit harder to swallow.
> The problem as I see it, or at least part of it, is that FT lacks the
> of "tech development" which forces new designs. This means that in
order to
> encourage design variety, all weapons present in the game need one
> where they are better than the others. As the A was without a shadow
> doubt the best of the beam batteries prior to the mass change (to 4),
> other beam sizes simply weren't needed.
Agreed. So it's 4 now? How about the "3 arcs is the only thing that
sense" problem?
> No. However, if he gave all his troops bolt-action ones instead of
> breach-loaders in a mid-19th century skirmish I might, though.
You mean *repeating* bolt-action rifles, don't you?
Hmmm... depending on what you consider "mid-19th C."... both the Henry
and the Spencer rifle saw use in ACW. It is quite conceivable that a
skirmish scale unit (especially a select one) would be completely armed
with repeaters.
A similar case would be MP-44 armed germans in a WWII game. Possible,
didn't happen that often in real life. Yanks, OTOH, had Garands
In any case, it's the job of the point system to balance the dominance
emerging technologies.
> Exactly. Which is why the non-viable ones need some strengthening -
> to make them viable once more.
I sincerely hope the new design system in FB will be better without
complexity, instead of simply throwing anoraks at anyone who finds a
in it.
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
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