Re: Adam Delafield ship design
From: ngilsena@m...
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:53:06 +0000
Subject: Re: Adam Delafield ship design
> Forgive the newbie question, but who was Adam Delafield? I've noticed
> dedication to him on the Unoffical FT WWW Page, but I don't know
> else about him.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
Adam was the list administrator and a very active member of the list
until his death in the past year. He also ran the homepage for the
Soceity of fantasy and science fiction wargamers. I can't say I knew
him in any way apart from his postings to the list but he also seemed
a reasonable and sensible person with good ideas on improving the
game. He has been missed from the list.
Someone on the list mooted the idea of naming a ship class after him
in the FT3 rules when they come out. Jon agreed with the idea so
thats where the ship design came from.
Niall Gilsenan,
Dublin Institute of Technology,
Cathal Brugha.St,
Dublin 1,