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Boarding Actions (was Capships)

From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 12:35:48 +1000
Subject: Boarding Actions (was Capships)

I would be interested in how you worked out your arithmetic.  The
highest I could get was 0.6 boarding factors per mass, & that was with
the DS/FT conversion from MT.
0.125 per mass base (1 per 4 hits)
+ ~0.5 per mass (1 per mass of cargo)

'Neath Southern Skies
Ortillery, rich man's artillery.

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Oerjan Ohlson []
>Subject:	SV: What makes a Capital ship Capital?
>A troop carrier can get an impressive 3.125 boarding factors per Mass -
>this doesn't account for the boarding pods needed, so drop it to 2
>or so per Mass of troop quarters for a dedicated boarding design.
>Regards, Oerjan Ohlson

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