Re: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
From: ngilsena@m...
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 00:30:30 +0000
Subject: Re: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
> Ok, time to play catch-up for the new guy on the list. Correct me if I
> wrong, but I assume the Source book is for Babylon % Wars???.
No. Its a supplement for the Chameleon Eclectic game "The Babylon
project". Essentially it should be for roleplaying but Jon Tuffley
was contacted (probably not the right word) to create a ship combat
system for the game that would work in the B5 universe. Thats why
must of us on the list want a copy of it. Frnakly the roleplaying
game isn't up to much otherwise. At least from what i've seen and
heard of it. The system (I hope) should follow Jons basic style of
Keeping it simple and not going the B5 wars way of things (psuedo SFB
in my opinion).
> Also what is this about a FT/B5 rule set for sale. Whos ship do you
have to
> blowup to get a set, and who much. After all the trip from Calif. to
> ain't in the budget.
Same here unfortunately. I presume Chameleon Eclectic could sort you
out on that one.
> Scott Jaqua
> Systems Manager
> Center Line Wheels, inc.
Niall Gilsenan,
Dublin Institute of Technology,
Cathal Brugha.St,
Dublin 1,