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Re: Fast Capitals

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 22:27:46 +0000
Subject: Re: Fast Capitals

Mikko said:
> I do not like design systems where you strive for certain rounding
> points. And, in addition, this is (yet another) "that newbie was
> stupid enough to take a book ship" rule.
> I sincerely hope that this is either changed in the Fleet Book, or
> that all the FB designs are smart enough to use odd thrusts.

This will be of no use to anyone, but....

the way to avoid problems with odd thrust ratings is to use the 
vectores thrust rules. As main drives and manoeuvring drives have 
separate thrust ratings the problem never arises.


"Grab reality by the balls and squeeze." - Tempus Thales

Stephen Richard Pugh

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