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RE: cm scale

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 12:22:55 +0200 (EET)
Subject: RE: cm scale

Cutting short and straight to the chase...

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Tim Jones wrote:

> Thanks, how would I do that (check my connection?)

Try some other sites in Finland. Run traceroute. and are upstream from me. is a parallel machine -- if you get much
better response from there, *then* it might be something
I can influence.
> Which I haven't seen, anyway my cm games averaged 5 ships per side.

Yeah, that size battles work much better (whatever the scale).

> Some folks use the floor.

My floor is actually more cluttered. I'm not a poor student anymore,
so I can afford furniture.

> > >		     o Modify the collision rules to make clumping a bad
> >
> > This actually might work,
> It'll work.

I think it will result in one of two things:

a) The damage is too small to be a deterrant and nothing really changes
b) Some people start building dedicated ramships, and ramming
with wounded vessels as a standard procedure

Btw: Has anyone seen someone try out the "FTL-out suicide bombers" 
strategy? I.e. take Mass 2, Thr8, FTL ships, start at max speeds
towards enemy. Order FTL out. Watch the enemy suffer. Mega-lame, but I 
think it could work in a competition.
> Having longer weapon ranges solves this, I don't think it screws
> balance as everyone has the same factor and it stops the
> fly-by out of range problem.

Maybe "screws" is a bit too strong word. I mean it changes the
balance Jon put into the game, and it needs to be explored whether the 
new balance is enjoyable. 

> 20+ Play virtually then :-)

I just don't see having friends around for gaming and then crowding 
around a computer screen... 

Actually, as long as we played set scenarios, or smallish (1000pts or 
less) battles, everything was fine. It's when we started the campaign 
that people had a tendency to stick their fleets together for a
"major showdown".

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice  | is just an ordinary
Maininkitie 8A8 02320 ESPOO FINLAND | Hate me?	  |	     - Porco
Rosso     | hateme.html |

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