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15mm SF figures

From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:52:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: 15mm SF figures

First, pardon the two-list posting, which means some of you will get
twice. To add to the fun, I'm probably going to post a version of this
to soon. Those of you who'll read this two or
times, excuse me...

On to my point: I'm looking for names & addresses of companies that make
15mm science fiction figs and stuff, suitable for playing GZG's

Does GZG still make their line of 15mm vehicles and figs? (Jon, I know
you're out there...) Failing continued production, could you be induced
restart production from your old molds?

Who else? I've borrowed a friend's old catalogs from TableTop Games,
anyone have experience with their stuff?

Irregular Minis has a small line of 15mm SF, does anyone want to tell me
what they're like?

Beyond that, I really don't know who or what else is out there...there's
loads of 15mm historical, quite a bit of 15mm fantasy, but very little
15mm science fiction.

I'm interested in lines currently in production, I know about the old
Traveller 15mm stuff, but it's no longer made and I want to be able to
continue buying from the same line as my budget allows...massive one-off
purchases are outside my reach, so I want a line that's going to be
available for a bit...

Thanks in advance,

Brian (

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